Kameron | FOLK HOGAN
Find Our Merch At Guitar Czar

Find Our Merch At Guitar Czar

Have you ever been out and about shopping during a pandemic and thought, “Boy, I sure could use some fine Folk Hogan merchandise right about now.” Did you recently lose your favorite Folk Hogan shirt? Is holding a cold beer can becoming absolutely...
We’re Essential… right?

We’re Essential… right?

Here we are. March 30th. Twenty Twenty. You may be asking yourself, “Now what? I’m stuck at home, I can’t talk to anyone, i’m out of snacks, but at least the earthquakes have mellowed out.” To be honest, we’re asking ourselves the...
Kam’s New Banjo

Kam’s New Banjo

Hello there! Some of you may know that I am a banjo fiend. Some people say things to me like: “Why do you have so many?” “Is that really necessary?” “That’s stupid.” and “Have you gained weight?” But that is all beside the point, because I just got a new banjo, and...